.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Finally updating...

Hello Everyone!

WOW it has been a while since I have updated I very much apologize!! Every weekend I keep putting it off to update my blog because I'm so tired! But finally it's here!
Well this post will be long and lots of pictures! So... ENJOY!!

Haha to start it off with a funny my and my friend Lynsay went I think a whole day with texting with these pictures/short videos back and forth and the conversation makes total sense to us so if you don't understand don't try to lol. 

Heading to Lynsay's and I saw this car COVERED with zoo animals... And when I say covered I mean covered!! Soo crazy! Lol
Garden State Plaza Mall has a spot me and Lynsay like to call "Cancer stick city." We call it that because that's like the place to go and smoke... We nearly die from the smell every time we pass it because the smell is soo strong!
FaceTiming is the best with my family!! I miss them so much!! Can't wait to see them! I hope I get to see all of them soon! 
March 24 I turned 22...worst/stressful crazy birthday ever. As you know I had to work on my birthday and the little boy was a little beast all day... I'm just gonna leave it at that..the day ended very well. My mom Called me and my day went uphill from there my boss took me out to a nice Italian Restaurant! Their spaghetti was amazing! Then they took me to get ice cream at DQ! It was so great! And they got me flowers! Was very sweet!!
It was also this handsome boys birthday on March 24th! He turned 9!! Happy Birthday Buddy!! ❤️
Batman is the best!!
I can't believe how big this little darling is getting!! She needs to stop growing!!
Getting ready to watch the movie HOME! Loved this movie!!
"Can I come into the out now?!"
Headed to see the Rockettes!!!
We saw Popeye statue!!
Radio City Music hall!
Waiting for the Rockettes to start!!
My best friend and I waiting to see the Rockettes! 
These awesome wristbands lit up!! 
ROCKETTES were so amazing!!! Can't wait to see the Christmas one!

Time Square at night!
Manhattan Temple!!!
Time Square!!
Photobombing Lynsay's photo!
My first NYC street hot dog! Was good but did not set well with me, hot dogs never do!
Welcome to Time Square!!
I stepped on this while holding the baby!! Yes I did everything I could to not say some words because there were little ones in earrange!! It hurt so bad!! 
Dan was sharing his "Woobies" with me! :D
Seriously snow...go away!!
Dan knows how to make me feel better!
My awesome staircase made with Legos!!
YESSS Been waiting for this weather!!!
Got me some new saddles because all mine are in UT! 

Sorry it's been so long since ive updated!! I hope you enjoy!! 

Love you all!


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day in New York!!! :D

Hello everyone!

I went into NYC for the first time on Saturday!! It was soo great!!
Waiting for the train...
My friend Lynsay!

We walked outta the subway and saw ourselves on this big screen!! 

My first Selfies in the City!! :D
Leave it to Lynsay to photobomb:D
This is The Freedom Tower!

First we road the Ferry to Staten Island and past the Statue of Liberty! She is a lot smaller then they show in movies and what not!! Here are some pictures I took with my camera and my phone!


This awesome cougar(BYU) hat I borrowed from Lynsay.
Me, Megan, Katie, Lynsay
Walking to the tribute center
Some pictures of buildings and stuff by tribute center.
This building just keeps going.

At the 9/11 Memorial Tribute Center

Random selfie with my gum hanging out :P and Megan posing in the background.

This guy drew me as a character and it only took him like 5 min!! Soo cool!!

Eating at Planet Hollywood in Time Square.

Well...time to say goodbye to NYC for now!!! We had a blast!!! Till we meet again!

My New York Hoodie!! <3

Life is so great here!! I can't believe this all is happening to me!! It is like a dream come true! Soo great! I am so blessed to be here!! I couldn't be happier here!! <3

I hope everyone is doing great!! Love you all!!

