.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Short & Sweet!!

Hello Everyone,

I have to share with you something my boss told me over the phone that the little boy said to her. (This was before I got there.) He said, "Mommy let's go snuggle in Corinne's bed," and she said, "No we have to wait till she gets here." He said, "but I want to and she said well maybe when she gets here she'll let you snuggle in her bed."
It was so cute! It made me that much more excited to meet them I am so anxious! I can't wait anymore! I only have 8 more days!!! I can't believe it is almost here! It is going to be so much fun!!

Love you all!!


P.S. THIS is how excited I REALLY AM!!!! Hahahaha

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