.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week 3/ Trying to go to church/ A little homesick/ Happy & hard days!

SUCCESSFULLY AMAZING!!! So this morning I woke up thinking I really hope the roads are clear so I can go to church and meet people. They were clear and I DID make friends!!! (Keep in mind this is a family ward) I had a guy come up to me and invite me to the YSA Singles Group FHE which was tonight and which is perfect because it's on Sunday's and doesn't coincide with my work schedule if it were Monday's! So anyways this guy introduced himself and welcomed me and this other lady came up and shook my hand and gave me a hug and welcomed me!! It really brightened my day! I fit in perfectly!! Everyone was super nice and wait for it....I met a girl who is ALSO a live in nanny and is from Utah! Kinda perfect right!! And she is like 3 weeks older than me haha she is wonderful! We went to the bishops house and played phase 10 and Bananagrams and talked it was so fun then we went to FHE and had dinner and dessert and talked and got to know each other it was so fun! So far best day I've had since being here! I am so blessed and I know Heavenly Father is watching over me and blessing me over and over because I made it through that tough trial I had this last year! I couldn't be more happy here! I just love it! 

Anyways so this past week everyone in the family had the stomach flu but me(knock on wood) it's been a crazy week I did get very homesick on Tuesday night because my day was immensely rough and when I got up to my room I just started to cry! I miss my family so much but I love it here so much that my homesickness isn't so much that I am wanting to go home! The family is so amazing and they made me feel comfortable!! I know I'm supposed to be here! My days and job is not easy but I wouldn't give it up!! I love it, most days it's just very trying most of the time! The kids are very hard and very busy! But I love them to pieces!! 

So this coming week we are supposed to get a HUGE snow storm of 14-24 inches starting tomorrow at noon and going until 6pm on Tuesday! Crazy right! So I will be stuck in the house for 2 days! Not fun! But oh well! 

I am still loving it here so much! I am grateful for everyone who supports me and encourages me on hard days! I am grateful for my parents for always answering the phone when I call sometimes that's all I need is to just hear their voice! I couldn't ask for better supportive parents! Love you mommy and daddy!! 😘😘❤️❤️

Well I gotta head to bed, again I love you all! I will try and update weekly unless I don't have anything new happen! 

XOXOXO Corinne 

These are my new friends from church!!

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