.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

One Month!!

Hello all!!

I have been here in New Jersey for a month yesterday!!! Everything is still going great! Still loving it here!! We have had a lot of snow these past two weeks! It is so crazy how fast and slow this month has gone. Lately I have been starting to get more home sick at night. My day could be going just great then at night I just start to cry and miss my family my parents more than anything and it hurts me that I don't get I see my nieces and nephews whenever I want. I have grown so close to my family these past few years. It is so hard being so far away from the people I care most about. I wish that I could just get on a plane and go see them on a weekend. But I can't which makes it that's much harder. I just wish I could just go home just to hug my family and tell them I love them. But it's not that easy.

I stress too much about everything. I love love this family so much! I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. But it is soo hard to get myself motivated to go to church every week because for one thing my weeks are so long so I just don't feel like going anywhere on the weekends  but also because I grew up with my family that went to church every Sunday together. So it's hard when I'm the only one in the house going, it's different, very different. But I do it because it's who I am and in my family it's just what we do on Sunday get up and get ready for church and go. 

So I am finally getting used to my area here in Kinnelon. It's great, not loving all the jug handles(U-Turns) I have to make just because I can't make a left turn. So when I miss a turn it sucks trying to turn around lol what I do love about out here though is it is a law that we can't pump our own gas. Haha it is nice especially if it's cold! I am officially addicted to Dunkin Donuts! They are everywhere here! 

I was able to talk to my mom for a while today it's always good to be able to talk to her and hear her voice. Makes me a little less home sick. But then I miss her more after! I am definitely my momma's baby and my daddy's lil lady! :) 

The little boy Dan has been asking me this whole week will you be here on Balentines Day? I said yep I will. He is so cute! I love these kids so much they are a handful but soo fun! We have been working on potty training Dan. It's definitely a challenge. Haha Brenna is so adorable she will be walking soon she has been cruising around tables and couches!! She has been waving and says hi a little! :) Her new thing is when you sing a song or play music she dances!! It is the cutest thing ever!! 

Anyways, way past my bedtime!! It's 10 o'clock!! 😱 I will tty all soon!

Love you!


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