.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 6

Hello Everyone,

This was a good/ long/ sad/ happy week! It was a good week because it was. It was a long week because Brenna has been sick! It had been sad because she has been sick and she wouldn't take naps unless I was holding her because she couldn't breathe and because of her cough. There is always at least one or more days a week I feel home sick. And Valentine's Day night was the day I was home sick because seeing my boss spending it with their family made me miss mine. I wanted to FaceTime my parents but they were too busy. Made me a little sad but I just put on Gilnore Girls and it put me in a happy mood so I was fine. :) It was historically funny at least this weekend because (those of you that have heard my deep, "IM BATMAN" voice) me and my friends Lynsay and  Megan gave us nicknames we say in the deep voice she calls me "Rinnie," I call her, "Lynny." Haha it brought out my true laugh for the first time since being in New Jersey! It was a great weekend with my friends! I got a nice pedicure and my toes are a pretty blue spring color!! 
 These past two days the wind has made it 10 degrees colder!! It was 5 degrees tonight it felt like -10!! I am so ready for winter to be over! This week ended with being FaceTimed by my sister and my cute niece and nephews. I miss them soo much. It's soooo hard being so far away from them. I miss all my family! I hope I get to see them soon! :/

Hope everyone is doing great!
Love you all!


Happy Valentine's Day to all!!
My Nanny family got me some chocolates they are so sweet! Love them!
My pretty toes!!
We have too much fun together!! Feels like we've been friends for so long! :D

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