.:You were given THIS LIFE because you are STRONG ENOUGH to LIVE IT:.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Only Real Friends....etc.

Would do this without me knowing....She videos me because she loves my laugh and its contagious lol. It is kinda funny but really though, I can't believe I didn't notice she was videoing me! 
Would do crazy photo booth pictures with you just for fun!!

Would take random selfies with you just because!! 

And then there's just me who takes Random selfies when I'm bored and look cute because well since being here my hair is always pulled back because it is too long and if I don't Brenna pulls and pulls on it and man does she think it's funny haha ;P
Going to see a movie with my friends! 
Ohhhh you know just been sitting here for 10 mins on Route 23 because there is an accident because there is 1 or 2 or 3 or more every time it snows...
annnnnnd 20 mins goes by and I'm still sitting here... -_- grrrr

Then I thought the snow was pretty at my house and wanted to take a picture in it!! :D

January 22, 2012

3 years ago I lost one of my best friends! To this day I still think about him all the time and all the memories we had. I miss my best friend! This day is always hard for me! Not a moment goes by that I don't think about him. I hope you are doing great in Heaven my friend! Know that I miss you and love you always! <3 

I like snow in all but seriously there is too much we are running out of places to put it and the roads here are already narrow and adding who knows how many feet of snow to it on the sides makes it worse. 

I want you all to know I love you and miss you! Especially my friends and family in UT, NV, etc. I can't wait till I con come home to see you!! <3

As Dan would say, 
Peace in the Middle East! ✌️


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 6

Hello Everyone,

This was a good/ long/ sad/ happy week! It was a good week because it was. It was a long week because Brenna has been sick! It had been sad because she has been sick and she wouldn't take naps unless I was holding her because she couldn't breathe and because of her cough. There is always at least one or more days a week I feel home sick. And Valentine's Day night was the day I was home sick because seeing my boss spending it with their family made me miss mine. I wanted to FaceTime my parents but they were too busy. Made me a little sad but I just put on Gilnore Girls and it put me in a happy mood so I was fine. :) It was historically funny at least this weekend because (those of you that have heard my deep, "IM BATMAN" voice) me and my friends Lynsay and  Megan gave us nicknames we say in the deep voice she calls me "Rinnie," I call her, "Lynny." Haha it brought out my true laugh for the first time since being in New Jersey! It was a great weekend with my friends! I got a nice pedicure and my toes are a pretty blue spring color!! 
 These past two days the wind has made it 10 degrees colder!! It was 5 degrees tonight it felt like -10!! I am so ready for winter to be over! This week ended with being FaceTimed by my sister and my cute niece and nephews. I miss them soo much. It's soooo hard being so far away from them. I miss all my family! I hope I get to see them soon! :/

Hope everyone is doing great!
Love you all!


Happy Valentine's Day to all!!
My Nanny family got me some chocolates they are so sweet! Love them!
My pretty toes!!
We have too much fun together!! Feels like we've been friends for so long! :D

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We Like to......

Create a New York City look alike of traffic with all of Dano's Cars!! :D

Monday, February 9, 2015

Cold, Icy, Snowy!!

We are supposed to have freezing rain all day today, and snow!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

One Month!!

Hello all!!

I have been here in New Jersey for a month yesterday!!! Everything is still going great! Still loving it here!! We have had a lot of snow these past two weeks! It is so crazy how fast and slow this month has gone. Lately I have been starting to get more home sick at night. My day could be going just great then at night I just start to cry and miss my family my parents more than anything and it hurts me that I don't get I see my nieces and nephews whenever I want. I have grown so close to my family these past few years. It is so hard being so far away from the people I care most about. I wish that I could just get on a plane and go see them on a weekend. But I can't which makes it that's much harder. I just wish I could just go home just to hug my family and tell them I love them. But it's not that easy.

I stress too much about everything. I love love this family so much! I couldn't imagine being anywhere else. But it is soo hard to get myself motivated to go to church every week because for one thing my weeks are so long so I just don't feel like going anywhere on the weekends  but also because I grew up with my family that went to church every Sunday together. So it's hard when I'm the only one in the house going, it's different, very different. But I do it because it's who I am and in my family it's just what we do on Sunday get up and get ready for church and go. 

So I am finally getting used to my area here in Kinnelon. It's great, not loving all the jug handles(U-Turns) I have to make just because I can't make a left turn. So when I miss a turn it sucks trying to turn around lol what I do love about out here though is it is a law that we can't pump our own gas. Haha it is nice especially if it's cold! I am officially addicted to Dunkin Donuts! They are everywhere here! 

I was able to talk to my mom for a while today it's always good to be able to talk to her and hear her voice. Makes me a little less home sick. But then I miss her more after! I am definitely my momma's baby and my daddy's lil lady! :) 

The little boy Dan has been asking me this whole week will you be here on Balentines Day? I said yep I will. He is so cute! I love these kids so much they are a handful but soo fun! We have been working on potty training Dan. It's definitely a challenge. Haha Brenna is so adorable she will be walking soon she has been cruising around tables and couches!! She has been waving and says hi a little! :) Her new thing is when you sing a song or play music she dances!! It is the cutest thing ever!! 

Anyways, way past my bedtime!! It's 10 o'clock!! 😱 I will tty all soon!

Love you!
